
Juanita Rangel

of Clute, TX

February 8, 1952 - January 9, 2025

Rose Hester

of Brazoria, TX

January 19, 1949 - January 3, 2025

Ricky Arredondo

of San Antonio, TX

August 12, 1993 - December 28, 2024

Dennis Lobdell

of Maricopa, AZ

March 4, 1943 - December 28, 2024

Shirley Bellar

of Freeeport, TX

May 23, 1970 - December 25, 2024

Joe Whipple

of Jonesboro, AR

July 11, 1971 - December 25, 2024

Maria Chavez

of Angleton, TX

June 13, 1942 - December 16, 2024

Russell Lidberg Jr.

of Brazoria, TX

January 29, 1949 - December 16, 2024

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Why Choose Freeport-Lakewood

Commitment & Integrity

Freeport-Lakewood Funeral Homes and staff have provided funeral services in the Lake Jackson, Freeport and surrounding communities since 1938. We are proud of our heritage, service, commitment and integrity.

Turn To Us

The very best care is what we give every day. We are family owned and operated and are dedicated to caring for those we have served for over 85 years, and to those in the future our personal commitment will remain the same.

Celebrating Life After Loss

Celebrating the life you shared together is the cornerstone of healing after loss. For help after the memorial service is over, sign up for our FREE Grief Support Newsletter.

Why Should I Plan Ahead?

Your life is unique. Pre-Planning with Freeport-Lakewood Funeral Homes guarantees a funeral that is just as unique as you, or the loved one you want to remember. Our family strives to help you plan a service that is much more a celebration of life and far less a funeral.

Need Immediate Assistance? Contact Us.

Here for you when you need us most.
Freeport-Lakewood Funeral Homes will provide the very best care in your time of need.

We’re your neighbors and friends and have been, now, for more than 85 years. We are hands-on owners and operators in your local neighborhood. With the help of our exceptional staff, we will continue the life-long legacy of service Jack & Helena Turner started in 1938.